  1. Resources
  2. Where The $#@! Is It?


Where The $#@! Is It?

Find out where everything moved to in Nova 3.

We know you're incredibly excited to get started using Nova 3, but once you get in to the code you'll inevitably find yourself repeatedly asking: "where the hell did X go?!?!"

Never fear, below is your handy guide for where to find all of the things in Nova that you've gotten accustomed to where they live in Nova 2.

Component Nova 3 Nova 2
Themes themes application/views
Ranks ranks application/assets/common/{genre}/ranks
Extensions extensions application/extensions
App config config application/config
Nova config config nova/modules/core/config
Nova core nova/src nova/modules/core
Nova views nova/resources/views nova/modules/core/views
Error logs storage/logs application/logs