  1. Add-ons
  2. Genre add-ons


Genre add-ons

Get started with building genre add-ons for Nova.

A genre add-on is a type of add-on that allows authors to package up the department, position, and rank name data for use in Nova. Additionally, genres can include all of the necessary rank set images as well.


A properly formatted genre add-on should have the following:

  • An ranks directory that contains all of the rank set images, organized exactly how you want them organized
  • An Addon.php file that extends the Nova\Addons\Genre class

If you create a genre add-on from Nova, it will create the proper folder structure for you.


For genre add-ons, the actions panel will be available to users with the following options:


The install option allows users of the add-on to copy the images to their ranks directory. This will start by removing all existing images before copying the directory structure from your assets folder into the ranks directory.


The uninstall option allows users of the add-on to remove all images and directories from their ranks directory.


The replace option allows users of the add-on to replace any similarly named file in the ranks directory with the version from the add-on's assets folder. This will leave any image it does not find in the add-on's assets folder alone, thus preserving any custom images you've added to your ranks directory.