  1. Posts WordCount


Nova 2

Posts WordCount

Version 1.0.0


0.0 out of 5 stars

An extension that adds a word and character count under mission posts. Optionally, it can display a note suggesting splitting posts when the count is above a set value.



Nova 2.7
This add-on may work with Nova 2.7, but members of the community haven’t confirmed
Nova 2.6
This add-on may work with Nova 2.6, but members of the community haven’t confirmed

Version Info


Last updated

Install instructions


Copy the entire directory into applications/extensions/WordCount.

If you have ExtensionManager

enable this extension through your user interface ("Manage extensions" -> enable WordCount)

If you do not have ExtensionManager

Add the following to application/config/extensions.php:

$config['extensions']['enabled'][] = 'WordCount';


The extension will work as-is in displaying word and character count under the missionpost edit screen.

If you want to set a limit to your mission posts to encourage your players to split posts after a specific set limit, you can set that in your settings.

Go to "Settings" and choose "User-generated Settings" tab. Look for the two keys that relate to this extension, and choose the values you want for them:

  • WordCount extension: Word count limit Set the word count limit, after which the message will display alongside the counts.
  • WordCount extension: Message appearing when the word count is over the limit. The text of the message that appears when the word count is above the limit.


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