  1. Sort by Timeline (Revisited)


Nova 2

Sort by Timeline (Revisited)

Version 1.5


0.0 out of 5 stars
Requires Nova 2.7

Some times posts are published out of order. This file is modified to sort by timeline data rather than publishing date & time. Thereby, keeping stories in order of story rather than order of publishing. It is updated to work specifically for Nova 2.7.0, and up.



Nova 2.7
This add-on may work with Nova 2.7, but members of the community haven’t confirmed

Version Info


Last updated

Install instructions

In order to sort by Timeline, the information must exist in a sequential manner.

The best way to do this is for the first number to be the lowest.

If working with MD (mission day), then MD01 would be the best start. If you think you group might get to one hundred mission days, start with MD001.

It is recommended that you go through your old posts BEFORE uploading the file so that you may ensure either that sequential order is achieved. If you upload the file before ensuring sequential order, it may disorder your old missions and posts.

See photos for examples of sequential items.

Install Instructions:

  1. In your FTP app, or file manager, navigate to /application/models/

  2. Rename "Posts_model.php" to "Posts_model.php.bak"

  3. Upload the included "Posts_model.php" file into the same location.

Release notes

1.1 ) Updated recommendations for sequential post ordering, and updated example photo to match.

1.2) Updated file to compensate for "recent posts" being out of order. The file was sorting MD01 for Mission 1 next to MD01 for Mission 2. Adjusted so that the file will sort first by Mission then by Timeline in order to show the most recent posts accurately.

1.3) Updated file to remove sorting by mission first, then timeline. Mod will now sort by timeline only. This is useful for running concurrent (simultaneous) missions. In the Admin Control Panel and "Latest Mission Posts" tab, the posts will now appear in timeline order, regardless of which mission the posts are in. See example image provided.

Revisited 1.4) Updated file to add support for the post word counting feature, added to Nova 2.7.0. The mod will no longer break pages that use this feature.

1.5) Updated the mod to replace files in /application/models, instead of files in the /nova directory, allowing the mod install to persist between updates. This update is compatible with Nova 2.7.4

Add-on credits

Mod credit goes to it's original author, Jonathan (

Using a version of Nova that's earlier than 2.7.0? Check out the original mod, "Sort by Timeline"


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