  1. Personal Log Change


Nova 2

Personal Log Change



0.0 out of 5 stars

Adds Stardate and Location to the personal log posts as a request made by a member of UCIP



Nova 2.7
This add-on may work with Nova 2.7, but members of the community haven’t confirmed
Nova 2.6
This add-on may work with Nova 2.6, but members of the community haven’t confirmed

Version Info


Last updated

Install instructions

Install Instructions

The following application will allow you to display and use an alternate layout to writing personal logs. To install this application you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Use the included nova_personal_log_alt.sql file to add the needed sql table fields to your nova installation.

  2. Upload application/controllers/manage.php to your application/controllers folder of your Nova install replacing the existing one if you haven't already modified this file. If you already have changes in this file, it's best that you just take the contents of this file and add it into your existing manage.php file.

  3. Upload application/controllers/sim.php to your application/controllers folder of your Nova install replacing the existing one if you haven't already modified this file. If you already have changes in this file, it's best that you just take the contents of this file and add it into your existing sim.php file.

  4. *Upload application/controllers/write.php to your application/controllers folder of your Nova install replacing the existing one if you haven't already modified this file. If you already have changes in this file, it's best that you just take the contents of this file and add it into your existing write.php file.

    *NOTE: This file includes the _email() function. Be aware that overwriting this function with one you already have in your existing write.php file will cause you to lose any other MOD alterations you may have already installed.

  5. Add the following line into your app_lang.php for your associated language(s) after the rest of the includes and before the Global items.

    /* include Alternate Personal Log Language file */ include_once APPPATH .'language/'. $language . '/ucip_lang.php';

  6. Upload application/language/english/ucip_lang.php to your application/views/language/english folder of your Nova install. Translate this page into other languages and upload them to the appropriate language directories. (If you would like your language included into a future release, please contact me via email.)

  7. Upload application/views/_base_override/admin/pages/manage_logs_edit.php to your application/views/_base_override/admin/pages folder of your Nova install.

  8. Upload application/views/_base_override/admin/pages/write_personallog.php to your application/views/_base_override/admin/pages folder of your Nova install.

  9. Upload application/views/_base_override/main/pages/sim_viewlog.php to your application/views/_base_override/main/pages folder of your Nova install.

If you experience any issues please submit a bug report on

Release notes

Changelog - Dates are in Epoch time


  • Updated files to work with Nova 2.4.5


  • Updated files to compatible with Nova 2.3.2


  • Updated write.php to be compatible with Nova 2.1.0
  • Updated manage_logs_edit.php to use code under Nova 2.1.0
  • Updated write_peronallog.php to be uniform with Nova 2.1.0
  • Updated sim_viewlog.php to be uniform with Nova 2.1.0


  • Updating files to be compatible with Nova 2.0.1


  • Updated write.php to have code from version 1.2.2 of Nova


  • Updated controller files to work with Nova 1.1.


  • Created a more readable README for GitHub.


  • Nova 1.0 has added email_lang.php into the base_lang.php file for email language extensibility. Can now place what was in app_lang.php into the ucip_lang.php file. Updated README. Removed app_lang.php file from repository.


  • Added application/language/english/app_lang.php to the repository. The perpose of this file is to overwrite existing declared language keys.


  • Started work on coming up with an alternate layout for personal logs. Alternate layout includes fields for location and stardate. Email template has been adjusted to show these as well.


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