Nova ReCaptcha 2
Adds Google's "I'm not a Robot" ReCaptcha v2 to your contact us and join pages to prevent spam. Requires PHP 7.
- Nova 2.7
- This add-on may work with Nova 2.7, but members of the community haven’t confirmed
- Nova 2.6
- This add-on may work with Nova 2.6, but members of the community haven’t confirmed
Version Info
Last updated
Install instructions
Requires PHP 7.
Step 1 – go to http://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html and sign up. You'll need the keys here for later.
Step 2 – In folder /application/controllers/ open 'main.php'. On line 18, replace #################################### with your SECRET key from step 1.
Step 3 – In folder /application/views/_base_override/main/pages open 'main_contact.php'. On line 41, replace #################################### with your PUBLIC key from step 1. Uncomment this line by removing '' at each end.
Step 4 – In the same folder, open 'main_join_2.php'. At line 130, replace #################################### with your PUBLIC key from step 1. Uncomment this line by removing '' at each end.
Step 5 – Enjoy no longer receiving spam on your contacts and join pages!
HOT NOTE!!! If you still receive spam after this, they're disabling Java! Go to main.php in the controllers folder, line 21 and change false to true. This will force java checks of the recaptcha on. The downside is that users on some mobile and older browsers will not be able to use these forms.
Release notes
1.0 Modified core files to make it work.
1.1 Now doesn't modify core files so will stick around through an update.
2.0 Adds reCaptcha to the Join Page.
3.0 Updated for 2.5.1 and fixes php check issues. Requires PHP7.
- Website URL
- http://wiki.split-world.com